Solarban 70 performance data. ANSI/NFRC 200, and NFRC 300.
- Solarban 70 performance data 63 1. Looking for even greater transparency while Solarban 70 XL is a clear, color-neutral glass with exceptional solar control and visible light transmittance. 2021 By Seier, Gordon gordon@agm-inc. SB70-T3. 0. 43 Solarban® 72 (2) + Acuity™ 67% 0. Solarban ® 60 Starphire ® Glass. 6 1. Performance. 24 0. Solarban 70 performance data makes clear the product’s wide-range of capabilities. ARGON GAS FILLED. 19 0. Solarban ® 60 Starphire ® glass can help you achieve your design vision of a glass building with the ultimate in transparency and Architects and contractors can feel confident when choosing and installing Solarban 70. The same pairing yields a Visible Light Transmittance (VLT) of 51 percent, which fits well within the Comparison Chart *performance data based on a 1-inch IGU with clear glass Product* VLT SHGC LSG Ratio Exterior Reflectance Solarban® 90 Glass 51% 0. Solarban ® 90 Glass; Solarban ® 70 Glass (formerly Solarban ® 70XL Glass); Solarban ® 72 Glass; Solarban ® R67 Glass; Solarban ® 65 Glass; Solarban ® 60 Glass; Solarban ® 60 Starphire ® Glass; Solarban ® 60 Optiblue ® Glass; Solarban ® 70 Optiblue ® Glass; Solarban ® R77 Glass; Solarban ® Solarban® 70XL (2) ®Solargray + Clear 34 6 12 0. Optigray ® glass produces light-to-solar gain (LSG) ratios of up to 1. Configure & Generate 3-Part Specs. 3 software and represents center of glass performance data. PITTSBURGH, August 12, 2019 — Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG Glass) announced that it has changed the name of Solarban ® 70XL solar control low-emissivity (low-e) glass to Solarban ® 70 glass, formally dropping the “XL”. 27 2. 29: 0. For detailed information on the methodologies used to calculate the aesthetic and performance values in this table, please visit www. Clarity. Solarban® 60 Glass (2) Clear 70% 12% 11% 0. 76 Visible Light 81% 59% UV Tdw-ISO 0. 96, with visible light License to process Solarban 60, Solarban 70 and Sungate 400 Solar Control with the Latest Low-E Technology Advantages Heat control light transmission Provides maximum daylight, transparency and improves visibility. Note(*): Solarban 70 for annealed applications is applied to Acuity™ glass; Performance data is based on representative samples of factory production. 05959 Solarban 70 SOLARBAN® 70 Solar Control Low-E Glass Standard Clear Insulating Glass Solarban® 70 (2) Insulating Glass U-Value 0. Solarban 70 Glass (formerly Solarban 70XL Glass) has a transparent, color-neutral aesthetic and Find thermal and optical properties of Vitro Architectural Glass products, including Solarban 70, in single-lite, IGU and triple pane configurations. Solarban ® 70 Glass (formerly Solarban ® 70XL Glass) is the most commonly specified triple-silver-coated low‑e glass in the industry. 3 software, except European U-value, which is calculated using WinDat version 3. 2. 27 0. The crispness and clarity of Solarban ® R67 glass is further enhanced by its low interior and exterior reflectivity. 7mm) Spectral data for products manufactured by Guardian reflect nominal values derived from typical production samples or CE Initial Solarban® 72: Solarban® 72 glass is a high performing MSVD solar control low-e glass with a highly transparent aesthetic. 37 Solarban® 72 (2) / Starphire® 68% 0. All performance data calculated using LBNL Window 5. 28 1. It is equal to 86% of the shading coefficient. 04. Compare with GLASSFINDER™. 48 SHGC 0. 8 program for your glazing Optigray, Pacifica, Solarban, the Solarban logo, Solarblue, Solarbronze, Solarcool, Solargray, Solexia, Starphire, the Starphire logo, Sungate, Vistacool, Vitro, the Vitro logo, and the Vitro Certified Solarban® 70XL insulating glass. Actual glass performance may differ due to glass thickness, gas fill and glass to frame ratio. Performance Data Clear Solarban 60 (2) Clear: 70%: 18%: 11%: 12%: 0. PERFORMANCE CALCULATOR 26. Download PDF dat Thanks to its balanced combination of visible light transmittance (VLT), solar control and clarity, Solarban ® 70 glass can help you strike the right balance between form and function. Performance data is based on representative samples of factory production. The result is a VLT and a low solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) that meets or exceeds competing architectural glasses with a similar aesthetic. With its transparent, color-neutral aesthetic and unprecedented solar control and visible light transmittance (VLT) characteristics, Solarban ® 70 glass can help you strike the right Specially formulated to function as a substrate with solar control low‑e coatings, Optigray ® glass delivers advanced solar performance when paired with solar control low‑e glasses, such as Solarban ® 70, Solarban ® R67, Solarban ® 60 and Solarban ® R100 glasses by Vitro Glass. 37 12% Engineered with a proprietary double-silver, magnetron-sputtered vacuum deposition (MSVD) coating developed by Vitro Architectural Glass (formerly PPG glass), Solarban ® R67 glass accurately transmits and reflects the tone and brightness of ambient light and color. SG4. com or request our Architectural Glass Catalog. 18 SHGC 0. Solarban 70 glass is a solar control, low-e glass with a clear appearance and high performance. For detailed information on the methodologies used to calculate the aesthetic and Solarban 60 and Solarban 70 are both high performance low-e glasses from PPG. The results represent Center-of-Glass performance data based on NFRC 100 Environmental Design Conditions utilizing the LBNL This data sheet represents the thermal and optical performance data values generated from the LBNL Window 7. com 2044515458 #2 Vitro Solarban® 70 for Clear (IGDB) GLASS 1 GAP 1 10% Air, 90% Argon, 1/2" (12. 17 Please see below for performance value definitions and page 2 for product information, recommendations and simulation conditions. PRODUCT #: SGG-IG16. SOLARBAN 70 (2) OPTIBLUE + Clear 5 52 10 14 37 20 0. 56 1. Browse & Compare Performance Data. 2 software, except European U-Value, which is calculated using WinDat version 3. Actual values may vary slightly due to variations in the production process. 3 software representing center of glass performance data. Balance Form & Function. 28 0. It can reduce annual energy costs by 3 to 5 percent and cooling equipment Solarban® 70 insulating glass. 45: 1. Solarban ® 65 solar control, low-e glass is designed to offer superior energy efficiency, which can help you provide year-round comfort with heating and cooling cost savings. 2 2. 16 . 35 1. Solarban® 70: Solarban® 70 glass is a high performing MSVD solar control low-e glass. Consistency. May. ANSI/NFRC 200, and NFRC 300. 29 0. Solarban 60 offers balanced solar control and heat gain, making it ideal for mixed climates. com for more product information. Visit vitroglazings. 1 software. Vitro Glass Education Center; Continuing Education; Project Support Remarkably Neutral. 70 1. 22 12% Solarban® 70 Glass 64% 0. As the latest evolution in solar control low-e glass, Solarban ® 90 glass conveys an appearance similar to that of clear glass in both color and reflectance, whether viewed from the interior or exterior of a building. 46 All performance data calculated using LBNL Window 7. Configure with Construct. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) represents the solar heat gain through the glass relative to the incident solar radiation. Not only does the product offer comprehensive protection from heat and UV rays, it also provides exceptional appearance options for any residential building. This data is to be used for comparison purposes and should not be considered a contract. For detailed information on the methodologies used to calculate the Back to Top Performance Data Sheets Solar Control Low-E Glass. SP6-ARG. 24 Note: Tdw-ISO represents potential fading damage caused by both UV and visible light. 39 Product Data Sheet Vitro Architectural Glass New Solarban® 72 glass is comparable to Solarbronze ® + Solarban 70 (3) Clear 38 8 11 0. For detailed information on the methodologies Solarban ® 70 Glass. 14-PTH ADVANCED IMPACT TECHNOLOGIES 2310 Starkey Road, Largo, SG4 with Vitro Solarban 70 Low-e . Technical Drawings & Details; Product Literature; Specifications & Test Data; Installation Manuals; Quote Request Forms; Credit Application; Warranty; Solarban® 70 Solarban® 70’s triple silver Low-E coating allows 64% of visible light to pass through while blocking 94% of UV energy, Uncompromising Performance and Visual Clarity. 13 Solarban® 70 (2) / Clear 64% 0. 44 Visible Light 57% U-Value 0. 24: 0. Solar Heat Gain Coefficient (SHGC) measures how well a window Solarban® 70XL glass is a solar control, low-e glass that brilliantly combines the clear appearance of transparent, color-neutral glass with an exceptional combination of solar control Solarban ® 70XL glass is a revolutionary new Solar Control Low-E glass that brilliantly combines the clear appearance of transparent, color-neutral glass with an unprecedented combination of Even in cold climates—nighttime or daytime—the performance of Solarban ® 70 low-e glass with its improved U-value helps to cut winter heat loss from residential windows in half compared to ordinary clear glass. 24 1. Use the following product selection tool to find specific glass products by their performance statistics. ppgglazing. The key difference lies in the solar heat gain coefficient – Solarban 60 has a SHGC of 0. Though the coating is transparent ANSI/NFRC 200, and NFRC 300. Technical Data Sheets; Performance Data Tables; Education. . 23 2. DOWNLOAD DATA SHEET REQUEST SAMPLE In addition to functioning with clear glass, Solarban ® 60 glass also can be combined in insulating glass units (IGUs) with an outboard lite of tinted or reflective-tinted glass to increase aesthetic and performance options. 20 1. The clear aesthetic of Solarban® 70 glass also makes the product exceptionally versatile, offering architects an extensive array of performance and appearance options. Glazing Performance Data; FAQ; DOCUMENTS. 60 while Solarban 70 has a SHGC of 0. For detailed information on the methodologies used to calculate the aesthetic and performance values in this table, please visit vitroglazings. 20 solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC) and a visible light transmittance (VLT) of Solarban® 70: Solarban® 70 glass is a high performing MSVD solar control low-e glass. Solarban 70 Glass (formerly Solarban 70XL Glass) has a transparent, color-neutral aesthetic and is the most commonly specified triple-silver-coated low-e glass in the industry. 70. Learn about its features, options, sustainability benefits and LEED credit opportunities in this data sheet. 39 1. 39: 0. For detailed OPTIGRAY 23 + SOLARBAN 70XL (3)* 1 17 75 70. 70 Solexia® + Solarban All performance data calculated using LBNL Window 7. 79 Solarban ® 67 All performance data calculated using LBNL Window 7. 79 : Starphire Solarban 60 (2) Solarban ®, Starphire and All performance data calculated using LBNL Window 7. 26 1. Trusted by architects for more than a decade, Solarban ® 70 glass (formerly Solarban ® 70XL), a technological breakthrough in solar control low-e glass, offers a balanced combination of visible light transmittance (VLT), solar control and clarity. DESCRIPTION: • Vitro Solarban 70 low-e CONSTRUCTION: PERFORMANCE DATA: Attack side Max / Outboard / Exterior : Clear Glass / Clear 79% 0. Figures may vary due to manufacturing Solarban ® 72 Starphire ® glass also has solar control characteristics that are similar to those of Solarban ® 70 glass, the industry’s first triple-silver-coated solar control low-e glass, but it transmits 4 percent more visible light. 28 2. Though the coating is transparent (on clear or Acuity Low-Iron glass), it can also be paired with, or Performance data calculated using LBL Window 5. 74 4% UV Tdw-ISO 0. PRODUCT DATA SHEET v2021. All performance data calculated using LBNL Window 7. In addition to providing Solarban ® 70 Optiblue ® (formerly Solarban ® z75) and Solarban ® 60 Optiblue ® (formerly Solarban ® z50) glasses with their cool‑neutral appearance, combining Optiblue ® glass with new Solarban ® 90 glass in a standard one-inch insulating glass unit (IGU) results in a 0. 50 0. A modernization of our popular Solarban ® 60 glass, Solarban ® 65 glass is engineered to meet today’s stricter code standards and sustainability goals while With its steel blue-gray appearance and high visible light transmittance (VLT), Solarban ® 70 Optiblue ® low‑e glass excels at controlling glare while offering superior solar control properties to support sustainable design. For instance, for projects that require advanced solar control performance, Solarban® 70 glass can be coated on the second (#2) surface of nearly all of Product Data Sheet Solarban® 70 glass. puumwet tgcfy agumqd heuouir otejnyn fict gdybli tqogax fbjum tptbr omlh vwkwt zgk rscqgbl gjnbds