Bittner funeral home obituaries. Mary of Mercy Catholic Cemetery in Alexandria, SD.
- Bittner funeral home obituaries Mary’s Catholic Cemetery in Stickney. Funeral services will be 10:00 AM Saturday, February 26, at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a visitation one hour prior. Burial will be at a later date in Servicemen’s Memorial Cemetery in Mitchell. Peter’s Catholic Cemetery. Peter’s Catholic Church in White Lake. Pastor Lemcke will officiate the services. Location Holy Spirit Catholic Church 1401 W Cedar Ave Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Orville Stevenson. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Monday, July 29, at Trinity Lutheran Church in White Lake. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Friday, July 21, at St. Esther Marie Pietz, 93, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Wednesday, December 25, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Visitation will be Friday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Dennis D. Visitation will be Monday, February 20, from 5-7:00 PM with a 6:30 PM prayer service at Hettinger-Bittner Funeral Chapel in Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning Celestina "Tina" Johnson. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, November 8, at Holy Family Catholic Church in Mitchell. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at First United Methodist Church in Mitchell. Dates January 18, 1938 - September 17, 2024. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday, November 21, at Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell. John Lutheran Cemetery. Roy Dean Johnson was born May 23, 1955, to Russell and Norma (Peshek) Johnson in Wagner, SD. Dates July 19, 1956 - November 6, 2024. Visitation will be from 5-7:00 PM Thursday, October 17, in the Bittner Funeral Chapel Community Room with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Funeral services will be at 11:00 AM Friday, February 7, at Bittner Funeral Chapel with visitation one hour prior to the service. Carol Margaret (Konechne) Schroeder, 61, of White Lake, SD, passed away Monday, December 9, 2024, at Aurora-Brule Care and Rehab in White Lake. Find an obituary, get service details, leave condolence messages or send flowers or gifts. John's Lutheran Church at 10:30 AM on Saturday, May 4, 2024. Date Tuesday, August 13, 2024. Dates September 26, 1962 - December 24, 2024. Peter and Paul Catholic Cemetery. Bailey Olson, 28, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Friday, November 15, 2024, in Mitchell. Find Burnaby Now Obituaries and death notices from undefined, British Columbia funeral homes and newspapers. Publish in a newspaper James Thiry, 72, of White Lake, SD, died Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at his home in Obituary. Martin Catholic Church in Emery. Leave messages of comfort, send flowers or get service details for the ones you've lost. Margaret’s Catholic Church in Kimball, SD. Kenneth “Kenny” Olinger was born July 19, 1956, to Anthony and Eleanor Olinger. Dates March 23, 1962 - January 12, 2025. Date Friday, October 18, 2024. Visitation will be Thursday from 5-7:00 PM at Obituary. Jerry Jean Bickley was born in Farmersville, Texas, on October 15, 1932, to Haywood and Dayte (Glass) Bickley. Melissa Kay Riley was born June 23, 1968, to Terry and Sandra (Phillips) Hoskins in Lafayette, IN. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday, January 30, at Kimball Protestant Parish in Kimball. Dates January 28, 1927 - October 18, 2024. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Monday, January 20, at Northridge Baptist Church in Mitchell. Vernon, SD. Celestina “Tina” Johnson, 62, of Mitchell, SD, passed away on Tuesday, December 24, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, November 23, at Bittner Funeral Chapel, with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. Burial will be at St. Lawrence "Larry" Vetter, 83, of Mitchell, died Thursday, June 29, 2023, at Firesteel Health Care Center in Mitchell. A graveside service will be at 11:00 AM on Saturday, October 26, 2024, at Mizpah Cemetery in Plankinton, SD. Devonia Oster. Visitation will be Thursday, February 2, from 5:00-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a prayer service at 6:30 PM. Burial will be in Highland Park Cemetery in Hermosa, SD. Visitation will be Thursday, December 19, from 4-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. January 12, from 5-7:00 PM at the Church with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Visitation will be one hour prior to the funeral service. Martin’s Catholic Church in Emery. Burial will be in White Lake Cemetery. Doris Schlimgen. Time 10:00 AM. Search British Columbia recent obituaries and death notices. Visitation will be Friday, February 23, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Tuesday, December 3, at Holy Family Catholic Church in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, December 6, at Ascension Lutheran Church in Mitchell. Joan Juntunen was born February 9, 1937, to John and Lena (Hemeyer) Jacobs. Duane Verzani, 74, of Mitchell, SD, died Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM on Saturday, September 21, at St. Memorial services will be 10:30 AM Wednesday, April 20, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Kathleen Gebel. Deloris Spry, 92, of Mitchell, SD, died Thursday, December 26, 2024, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. Location RiverTree Church 601 N Sanborn Blvd Mitchell, SD 57301. Search Burnaby, British Columbia recent obituaries and death notices. Burial will be at Silver Creek Cemetery in rural Forestburg at a later date. Dates September 10, 1940 - August 5, 2024. A visitation will be held Saturday, January 13, from 2-4:00 PM with a 3:30 PM prayer service at United Methodist Church in White Lake. A Celebration of Life for Dennis will also be held in his lifelong home of Hosmer, SD, at St. Sara. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Kenneth "Kenny" Olinger. Orville Frederick Stevenson was born January 18, 1938, to Glenn and Marguerite (Gunn) Stevenson in Scotland, SD. John Baysinger, 53, of Woonsocket, SD, died Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at his home under hospice care. Graveside services will be 11:00 AM Saturday, May 13, 2023 at Emery Community Cemetery in Emery. Burial will be at Calvary Cemetery in Mitchell. Burial will be at Kimball Cemetery. Dennis Machovsky. Larry Edinger, 76, of Plankinton, SD, died Thursday, January 4, 2024, at his home under hospice care. Wilmer Bunger, 86, of Emery, SD, passed away peacefully Monday, December 16, 2024, at Dougherty Hospice House in Sioux Falls. Funeral services will be at 10:00 AM Friday, November 5, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. James Thiry, 72, of White Lake, SD, died Tuesday, October 8, 2024, at his home in White Lake. Larry Thill, 80, of Mitchell, SD, died Friday, June 10, 2022, at his home under hospice care in Mitchell. Robert Blasius, 89, of Kimball, SD, died Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at his home under hospice care. Burial will be at Hope Cemetery in rural Wessington Springs. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Mitchell. Max Robert Ellefson, 66, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Friday, December 27, 2024, at his home under hospice care in Mitchell. Bittner Funeral Chapel 805 W Havens Ave Mitchell, SD 57301. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, August 16, at Bittner Funeral Chapel, with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. Location Holy Spirit Catholic Church 1401 W Cedar Ave. Visitation will be Wednesday, October 9, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. He was the first of seven children born to Joe and Helen (Larson) Vetter. Private family burial will be at Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Monday, January 20, at Plankinton United Methodist Church. Julie Kunkel, 70, of Mitchell, SD, died peacefully Monday, September 18, 2023, at her home in Mitchell. Mary Koch Vinz, 93, of Stickney, SD, passed away peacefully in her sleep Thursday, January 9, 2025 at her daughter’s home. Funeral services will be 2:00 PM Monday, April 3, at First United Methodist Church in Mitchell. Visitation will be Monday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Visitation will be from 5-7:00 PM Friday, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. DeWayne Hanson, 89, of Mitchell, formerly of Alexandria, SD, died Wednesday, April 13, 2022, at Edgewood Assisted Living in Mitchell. Visitation will be one hour prior to the Funeral Mass with Rosary at 1:00 PM. Chad Thomas Bell was born April 24, 1981, to Thomas and Deborah (Ruth) Bell in Mitchell, SD. Funeral services are pending under the direction of Bittner Funeral The burial will be at Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell at a later date. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Friday, December 13, at St. Stanley Hofwolt. Adelaide Mayer, 106, passed away Monday, September 9, 2024, in Baltimore, MD. Betty Carman. She ascended to her heavenly Father on November 17, 2024. Judy Ann Goldhammer, daughter of Norman and Virginia Goldhammer, was born July 20, 1947, in Mitchell Obituary. Lindsey Sailer, 68, of Mitchell, SD formerly of Deadwood, SD, lost his battle with type 1 diabetes on Sunday, October 29, 2023 at his home in Mitchell. David Morton Kline was born June 8, 1942, to Robert and Evelyn (Dierks) Kline in Olewein, IA. Visitation will be Monday from 5-7:00 PM with a 6:30 PM prayer service at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Dates August 27, 1933 - September 25, 2024. LaRee Moir, 73, of Dimock, SD, died Sunday, June 26, 2022, at her home surrounded by family. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Saturday, May 11, at Foothills Bible Fellowship in Wessington Springs. We offer a full range of Obituary published on Legacy. Peter and Paul Catholic Church in Dimock. Funeral arrangements are pending under the direction of Bittner Funeral Chapel. Louis Murtha. She was an only child. December 2, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Arrangements by Bittner Obituary. Funeral services are pending under the direction of Bittner Funeral Chapel. Visitation will be Thursday, March 14, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Shaun Arnold Fitzpatrick was born Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, November 23, at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, August 30, at First United Methodist Church in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, Browse the recent obituaries and memorials of Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell, South Dakota. Burial will be at West Lawn Cemetery in Letcher, SD. Gerald graduated from Emery High School and worked Obituary. Julie Fritzemeier. Mary Ann Burian, 85, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Wednesday, January 31, 2024, at her home under hospice care in Mitchell. Burial will be at Butler Cemetery in Letcher. Thanks to Bittner Funeral Home and downtown First UM Church. and Edna (Roth) Oberembt in Mitchell, SD. Ryan Christopher Feterl was born in Minneapolis, MN on February 4, 1972. Rose Elaine Anderson, 91, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at Avera Brady Health and Rehab in Mitchell, SD. Mary of Mercy Catholic Cemetery in Alexandria, SD. Charlotte Nicholson, 87, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Sunday, December 1, 2024, at her home under hospice care. Visitation will be Monday, February 17, from 5-7:00 Obituary. Shaun A. Larry Vetter was born January 20, 1940, in Woonsocket, SD. We consider funeral service a lifestyle not just a job. Richard Meier, 92, of White Lake, SD, passed away peacefully Tuesday, July 23, 2024, at Aurora-Brule Nursing Home in White Lake with family by his side. Visitation will be Saturday, October 26, from 3-5:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Burial will be at Bridgewater Cemetery in Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Julie Fritzemeier. Private burial will be held at a later date at White Lake Cemetery in White Lake, SD. Visitations will be 5-7:00 PM Thursday, January 23, at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service, and Friday, January 24, from 4 Funeral services will be at 1:00 PM on Saturday, February 17, at Bittner Funeral Chapel with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. Doris (Haiar) Schlimgen was born Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Devonia Oster. Burial will be in Vega Cemetery in rural Kimball, SD. Karen Walker. Leslie Nunez, 65, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Saturday, November 30, 2024, at his home under hospice care. Dates June 26, 1938 - November 24, 2022. Myron Kenneth Grosz was born to Gilbert and Fernella Grosz in Eureka, South Dakota on October 3, 1952. Fitzpatrick, 67, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Thursday, November 21, 2024, at his home under hospice care. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM on Friday, July 12, at St. Visitation will be from 5-7:00 PM Wednesday, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Contents © 2025 Bittner Funeral Chapel • Website Provided by Day One Web, Inc. Funeral services will be 10:00 AM Saturday, July 30 at Bittner Funeral Chapel with burial to follow at Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell. Jacquelyn Krakow. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Esther Effling. Burial will be at a later date at Pleasant Ridge Cemetery in Armour, SD. Private family funeral services will be held. Funeral services will be at 10:00 AM Wednesday, March 13, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Tuesday, November 5, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Mitchell with visitation one hour prior to the Mass. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday, January 2, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Taylor came Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Friday, April 5, at St. Darrel Page. Funeral services will be 11:00 AM Monday, June 5, at Trinity Lutheran Church in White Lake with a visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. Melissa Riley, 56, of Mitchell, SD, died Saturday, October 12, 2024, at her home in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM on Wednesday, May 1, at Assembly of God Church in Mitchell. Vernon Cemetery in Mt. 10, 2024. Nicholas Smith. Discover the latest obits this week, including today's. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, January 11, at St. Maine was born October 2, 1947, to Robert and Louise (Greene) Maine in Mitchell, SD. A private burial will be at a later date at Riverside Cemetery in Ft. Browse Burnaby Now obituaries, conduct other obituary searches, offer condolences/tributes, send flowers or create an online memorial. Boniface Cemetery in Clark, SD at a later date. Roland “Took” Marken, 73, of Bridgewater, SD, cashed in his final stack of chips Monday, February 13, 2023, at his home in Bridgewater. Find information about funeral services, burial, and condolences for the deceased and their Obituary. Kathleen Gebel. Dave's collegiate career entailed graduating from Spirit Lake Community School in 1960, Morningside College in 1969, and received his Teaching Degree from the University of Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Betty Carman. Date Saturday, November 2, 2024. Funeral services are pending under the direction of Bittner Funeral Obituary. Visitation will be from 1-3:00 PM on Tuesday, April 30, at First United Methodist Church in Mitchell. He grew up on the family farm in Emery, South Dakota Obituary. Visitation will be from 5-7:00 PM Thursday at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:00 PM prayer service. 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Rodney Maine, 77, of Plankinton, SD, died Thursday, October 17, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Edwin Munsen, 86, of White Lake, SD, died Friday, July 5, 2024, at his home under hospice care. A private family gathering/celebration of life will be held at a later date in the Black Hills. Chad Bell, 42, formerly of Alexandria, SD, passed away Monday, September 18, 2023, due to an automobile accident while on a mountain biking adventure in Wyoming. Burial will be in Calvary Cemetery in Mitchell. Visitation will be Thursday from 5-7:00 PM at the Church with a 6:30 PM prayer service. from 5-7 with a 6:30 Scripture Service at St. Willard DeWayne Hanson was born on August 24th, 1932, in Fulton, SD to Willard and Myrtle (Foster) Hanson. Dates May 17, 1955 - January 27, 2024. June 30, from 2-4:00 PM at Heritage Funeral Home in Sioux Falls. Rodney L. John Lutheran Church in rural Dimock. Carolyn Morrison, beloved mother, grandmother, sister, and friend, age 76, of Mitchell, SD, passed away peacefully on Sunday, June 23, 2024, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. Dates October 12, 1955 - January 4, 2024. Dates July 20, 1960 - August 1, 2024. Burial will be in Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell. Dennis Machovsky, 92, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Monday, February 10, 2025, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. Rose Loudner, 67, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Thursday, May 19, 2022, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. Morgan, CO. Ryan Waldner. John Sonne, 52, of Ethan, SD, passed away Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at his home in Ethan. Dates June 21, 1980 - March 19, 2022. We are Mitchell's only independent and locally owned funeral home. Visitation will be 5-7:00 PM Monday, March 20 at the Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell with a prayer service at 6:30 PM. Dorothy Nelson, 70, of Sioux Falls, SD, died Thursday, January 19, 2023, at Dougherty Hospice House in Sioux Falls. Funeral arrangements are pending under the direction of Bittner Funeral Chapel. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Friday, February 2, at Bittner Funeral Chapel with Berniece Sellars, 96, of Mitchell, SD, died Saturday, June 25, 2022, at her home under hospice care. A Celebration of Life will be held in Woonsocket around July 4, 2024. Dates November 13, 1935 - January 29, 2025. Dates July 19, 1995 - August 24, 2023. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Ryan Waldner. I knew Karen for a Long Time ,,,, Home; Obituaries; Our February 14, 1946 - August 21, 2023. Virginia Tegethoff, 82, of Mitchell, SD, died Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. Funeral arrangements are pending under the direction of Bittner Laurel "Lori" Wald, 84, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Saturday, October 30, 2021, surrounded by her family at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Janet Alice Raatjes (Munger) Beukelman was born on September 24, 1932, to William and Renzella (DeGroot) Raatjes at home in rural Platte, SD. Corinne Ligtenberg, 88, of Rapid City, SD, formerly of Mitchell, passed away peacefully Monday, January 13, 2025, following a long journey with Alzheimers. Barbara Healy. Bertha “Glayn” Meier, 89, of White Lake, SD, passed away peacefully Friday, August 19, 2022 at Aurora-Brule Nursing Home in White Lake with her husband of 67 years by her side. Burial will be at Servicemen’s Memorial Cemetery in Mitchell. Arrangements by Bittner Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Jeffrey Tenney. Doris Schaffer. Burial will be in St. Peter’s Lutheran Church in Clayton, SD. I always loved stopping by Uncle Bob and Aunt Norma's home when we went to town! Loved the hours we spent traveling SD while singing Obituary. Dwight Wittstruck, 68, of Mitchell, SD, died Saturday, December 28, 2024, at his home under hospice care in Mitchell. Kathy Gebel was born on June 22, 1962, in Mitchell, SD, Obituary. Mary Jo Larson, 76, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Tuesday, October 29, 2024, at her home under hospice care. Michael Dean Johnson, 72, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Friday, January 3, 2025, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Tuesday, December 31, at First United Methodist Church. Burial will be at the American Legion Cemetery in Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Leroy Schneider. Funeral services will be 3:00 PM Friday, July 1, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. William “Bill” Stoll, 96, of Pukwana, SD, passed away Friday, March 1, 2024, at his home. Shelby Hohn, 20, of Dimock, SD, passed away Monday, June 10, 2024, at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls from complications of an automobile accident. Shirley Ott, 77, of Pukwana, SD, died Saturday, December 2, 2023 at Aurora-Brule Nursing Home in White Lake. A private graveside service will be held. Visitation will be Monday, January 15, from 1-3:00 PM with a 2:30 PM prayer service at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Julia “Julie” Ellen Fritzemeier was born October 12, 1955, to Edwin and Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Monte Miller. Howard Moore, 92, of Mitchell, formerly of Artesian, SD, passed away peacefully Thursday, November 14, 2024, at Avera Brady Health and Rehab in Mitchell. A live stream of the funeral service can be viewed at: https: Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Curtis Schrank. Bittner Funeral Chapel 805 West Havens Mitchell, SD 57301. Time 10:30 AM. Funeral Mass will be 10:30 AM Tuesday, October 15, at St. Visitation will be Friday from 5:00pm-7:00pm at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Burial will be at Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell at a later date. Bob requested no funeral services, but wishes everyone to remember all the times together, the love, and laughter that was shared over the years. Arlene attended Lakeview County Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Devona Nolz. Burial will be at Mt. Joan Juntunen, 86, of Plankinton, SD, died Thursday, February 8, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Jon Jacobs, 64, of Mitchell, SD, died in the comfort of his home on November 2, 2024 with his wife by his side. A Celebration of Life will be held Friday, June 28, from 10:00 AM-12:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel, with a reception immediately following at the Depot in Mitchell. Barbara Ann Oberembt was born December 18, 1954, to William C. Funeral Mass will be 10:30 AM Thursday, September 21, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Mitchell. Randy Hempel, 62, of Kimball, SD, passed away Friday, January 24, 2025, at his home in Mitchell. Devona Nolz. Funeral services will be at 2:30 PM Friday, November 22, at RiverTree Church in Mitchell, with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. James (Jim) Thiry was born on August 10 Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Doris Schaffer. Orville Huber, 94, of Emery, SD, died Saturday, September 14, 2024, at his home under hospice care. Erin VandenBos, 20, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Wednesday, April 24, 2024, in Mitchell. Patrick Alan Weber was born March 17, 1966, in Obituary. Diane Padrnos, 82, of Pearland, Texas, passed away peacefully in her home, surrounded by family, on October 20, 2024. Obituary. Kenneth "Kenny" Olinger. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Monday, May 16, at Resurrection Lutheran Church in Mitchell. Esther Effling, 84, of Artesian, SD, died Thursday, November 24, 2022, at Avera Brady Assisted Living in Mitchell. Service. He spent some of his childhood in California, but spent most of his young years and into young adulthood in Gettysburg, SD. A live stream of Betty's funeral service can be Obituary. Ryan Feterl, 52, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Sunday, October 20, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Vernon, died Saturday, May 13, 2023, as a result of an automobile accident. A Celebration of Life will be held at a later date. Funeral Service will be at 10:30am Saturday, December 7th, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Visitation will be from 12-2:00 PM at the church prior to the funeral service. Funeral services will be at 2:00 PM Tuesday, March 26, at Christ Episcopal Church in Chamberlain, SD. I appreciate the photo slide show and service they Obituary. Hollan was born in Kulm, ND, to Lee Robert & Alice (Fregein) Hollan on November 25, 1942. Arrangements are under the care of Bittner Funeral Chapel. Helen Button, 95, of Mitchell, SD, died Monday, October 7, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Visitation will be Tuesday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. com by Bittner Funeral Chapel - Mitchell on Oct. William Lee Anderson, 92, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Wednesday, June 26, 2024, at Avera Brady Health and Rehab in Mitchell. John’s Catholic Church in Plankinton. Posted by Lynn TerMeer on April 22, 2022. Doris Arlene Hanten was born November 13, 1935, to Lloyd and Retta (Bissell) Edwards on the family farm near Letcher, SD. Dates October 15, 1932 - October 4, 2023. Martin’s Catholic Cemetery. Abby Stunes, 23, of Mitchell, SD, died Wednesday, March 29, 2023, in Mitchell. Paul Hubbard, 71, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Sunday, February 20, 2022, at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls. Dates June 22, 1962 - November 17, 2024. Burial will be at Black Hills National Cemetery in Sturgis, SD at a later date. Barb attended Sts. Leroy Schneider. Lelund Schoon, 54, of Tripp, SD, passed away Sunday, January 19, 2025, at Avera Heart Hospital in Sioux Falls. Burial will be at a later date at Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell. Esther Samuel. Gladys Darlene Leischner Kieser was born to Edward and Esther (Hoffman) Leischner on May 28, 1928, at the Marie McVey Maternity Home in Wessington Springs, SD. Burial will be at Sts. Erin Lynn VandenBos was born November 11, 2003, to Hannah (Frey) and Roger VandenBos in Mitchell, SD. Visitation will be Thursday, June 16, from 6-8:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Obituary. Burial will be in Servicemen’s Memorial Cemetery in Mitchell. Burial will be at White Lake Cemetery. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, October 18, at RiverTree Church in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:00 AM Friday, January 3, at First Reformed Church in Mitchell, with visitation one hour prior. Visitation will be Thursday April 4, from 5-7:00 PM at the church with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Funeral services will be at a later date. Arlene Hanten. Mabel Rowe, 102, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Tuesday, February 4, 2025, at Doughtery Hospice House in Sioux Falls, SD. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, January 3, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Visitation will be Friday from 5-7:00 PM at the church. Gerald Berg. Location Holy Spirit Catholic Church Obituary. Daniel "Dan" Olinger, 75, of Alexandria, SD, passed away Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at his home. Edward Strand, 97, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Sunday, October 13, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Marian Jirsa. Dates August 3, 1927 - November 16, 2023. Arrangements by Hettinger-Bittner Funeral Chapel Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Nicholas Smith. A private graveside service will be at Emery Community Cemetery. Burial will be at Presho Cemetery in Presho, SD. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, March 2, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Funeral Mass will be at 2:00 PM Sunday, November 3, at St. Mass of Christian Burial will be 11:00 AM Tuesday, December 19, at St. William “Bill” Brown, 91, of Mitchell, SD, died Wednesday, October 23, 2024, at his home in Mitchell. in Kimball. Visitation will be Friday from 5-7:00 PM at Resurrection Lutheran Church. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM on Thursday, February 15, at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. Jason Lee Weisser was born January 13, 1971 to Myron and Jenise (Jamtgaard) Weisser in Parkston, SD. Burial will be in Mt. Judy Goldhammer, 77, of Mitchell, SD, died Friday, November 8, 2024, at her home in Mitchell. Laurel "Lori" Wald, 84, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Saturday, October 30, 2021, surrounded by her family at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Robert Hall, 85, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Wednesday, February 21, 2024, in Gatesville, TX. Gary Hoffer, 55, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Sunday, January 12, 2025, at his home under hospice care. Dates August 3, 1932 - February 10, 2025. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Karen Walker. Lindsey is survived by his father, Vern Sailer; wife, Darlene; sons, Danny Sailer and Shannon (Shandie) Sailer; Burial will be at Dunlap Cemetery in rural Platte, SD. Visitation will be Tuesday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Dates 2022, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Jeffrey Tenney. Burial will be at Servicemen’s Memorial Cemetery in Obituary. Jed Hockett, 66, of Sioux Falls, SD, was called home to Heaven on Tuesday, January 14, 2025, at his home in Sioux Falls. , 29, of Mt. Peter’s. Burial will be at Graceland Cemetery in Mitchell. Roy and Bobbi have made Mitchell their home for the past Obituary. Funeral Service Mass will be held at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, July 2, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Mitchell, with visitation one hour prior to the service. August 14, at Bittner Funeral Chapel, with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. A celebration of her life will be held on Friday, September 20, 2024, from 5:00 to 7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Date Tuesday, September 24, 2024. Funeral arrangements are pending under the direction of Bittner Funeral Chapel Bittner Funeral Chapel has an established tradition of compassionate and caring service. Pleasant Cemetery in Artesian, SD. Visitation will be from 5-7:00 PM Thursday at Bittner Funeral Obituary. Dates December 18, 1954 - November 30, 2024. Arrangements by Bittner Funeral Chapel. Glenn Tolle, 62, of Emery, SD, died Tuesday, February 20, 2024, at the VA Medical Center in Sioux Falls due to complications arising from stage four pancreatic cancer only a month after the original diagnosis. Deloris Goldammer, 90, of Mitchell, SD, died Monday, May 9, 2022, at Dougherty Hospice House in Sioux Falls. Taylor “Tee” James Touchet was born in New Iberia, La. Dates August 22, 1956 - October 28, 2024. Visitation will take place on Wednesday, September 11, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM at Trinity Lutheran Church, including a prayer service at 6:30 PM. Marian Jirsa. Robert “Butch” Heiter, 75, of Glendive, MT, passed away Friday, January 10, 2025, at the VA Medical Center in Sioux Falls. Eugene Berg, 77, of Emery, SD, died Monday, August 21, 2023, at his home in rural Emery. Arrangements by Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Carol Vilhauer. A live stream of the funeral service can be viewed at: HOLY FAMILY PARISH Obituaries > Esther Samuel. Dates October 30, 1927 - June 23, 2024. Patrick Weber. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Friday, June 14, at Sts. Dates June 1, 1963 - January 27, 2023. Dates September 22, 1945 - November 15, 2024. Jacquelyn Krakow, 47, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Friday, January 10, 2025, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. Margaret’s Catholic Cemetery in Kimball. Mass of Christian Burial will be 10:30 AM Tuesday, March 14, at St. Neugebauer, 79, of Dimock, SD, passed away suddenly at his home on Monday, May 20, 2024. A recording of the funeral service can be viewed at: https: Obituary. Visitation will be Tuesday, December 3, from 1-3:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Location Endeavor Presbyterian Church 23316 421st Ave Obituary. Interment will be at a Obituary. Burial will be at the American Legion Cemetery in Mitchell. Jason Weisser, 51, of Chicago, IL, died Monday, July 18, 2022, at Elmhurst Hospital in Chicago. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Louis Murtha. Esther Effling. Shirley Kay Ott was born April 21, 1946, to Victor and Maxine (Brewster) Andera in Mitchell, SD. Taylor Touchet, 32, of Emery, SD, died Friday, February 4, 2022, at his residence. John Allen Sonne was Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Barbara Healy. Robert “Bob” Jorgensen, 88, of Chamberlain, SD, passed away on Saturday, December 21, 2024, at his home with his wife by his side. Jon Jacobs was born October 9, 1960. Kassady Sprinkel, 30, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Wednesday, November 20, 2024, at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls. Marcella Chmela, 106, of Kimball, SD, passed away Monday, October 28, 2024, at Aurora-Brule Nursing Home in White Lake. Visitation will be Thursday, February 2, from 5:00-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Doris Schlimgen. Jerry Bickley. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Stanley Hofwolt. Edwin Walter Olson Jr. Visitation will be Thursday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. He served in the United States Obituary. Pleasant Cemetery in Artesian. Phyllis Sorensen, 98, of White Lake, SD, died Thursday, June 1, 2023, at Aurora-Brule Nursing Home in White Lake. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Dennis Machovsky. Gloria Hight, 66, of Mitchell, died, Thursday, March 17, at her home under hospice care. Visitation will be Wednesday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell. Visitation will be one hour prior to the Funeral Mass with a 9:30 AM Rosary. A private burial will be held at a later date. Visitation will be Sunday from 5-7:00 PM at the church with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Date Thursday, October 24, 2024. Peter’s Lutheran Cemetery in Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Darrel Page. Nicholas Smith was born July 19, 1995, . Monte Miller. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday, May 23, at St. David L. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Jerry Bickley. *****Due to weather, Bill's visitation for Obituary. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday, January 23, at Bittner Funeral Chapel with visitation one hour prior. Dates May 18, 1935 - October 13, 2024. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Gerald Berg. Steven Thompson, 75, of Wessington Springs, SD, passed away Monday, May 6, 2024, at Ava’s Hospice House in Sioux Falls surrounded by family. Deborah Connor, 71, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Tuesday, November 26, 2024, at her home under hospice care. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Arlene Hanten. • Privacy Policy Obituary Dennis Beckmann , 62, of White Lake, SD, passed away Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at Aurora-Brule Nursing Home in White Lake after a long struggle with cancer. Monsignor Edward Burian, 90, of Sioux Falls, formerly of Kimball, SD, died Monday, December 11, 2023, at his home in Avera Prince of Peace Independent Living in Sioux Falls. Visitation will be Friday, December 27, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Delmar Clarke, 83, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Saturday, December 14, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Margaret’s Catholic Cemetery in Kimball at a later date. Arrangements by Bittner Funeral Obituary Curtis Schrank , 64, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Thursday, August 1, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell after being diagnosed in March 2024 with stage IV esophageal cancer. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Thursday, March 24, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Visitation will be Wednesday from 5-7:00 PM at First United Methodist Church. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Thursday, December 5, at First United Methodist Church in Mitchell. Memorial Service will be 11:00 AM Saturday, November 16, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Dennis Craig Peters was born on May 8, 1953, to Alwin “Pooch” and Eleanor (Bogenhagen) Peters in Mitchell, SD. Dates May 22, 1940 - January 31, 2023. A private family burial will be held at St. • Privacy PolicyWebsite Provided by Day One Web, Inc. Helen Jean Button was born May 6, 1929, to George and Hazel (Bates) Tilbury in Beaver Obituary. Ryan John Waldner was born June 21, 1980, to Tony and Rebecca Waldner in Huron, SD. Private burial will be at a later date in Servicemen’s Memorial Cemetery in Mitchell. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Friday, June 17, at RiverTree Church (Mitchell Wesleyan), in Mitchell. Arrangements by Obituary. Visitation will be Tuesday, November 26, from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM Prayer Service. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Friday, May 19, at Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell. Visitation will be Thursday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Funeral services will be 1:00 PM Saturday, August 27 at Trinity Lutheran Church in White Lake. Jeffrey Tenney, 62, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Sunday, January 12, 2025, at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls. Dates September 3, 1977 - January 10, 2025. Dates 53, of Mitchell, SD, passed away Friday, April 5, 2024, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. Mass of Christian Burial will be 10:30 AM Monday, Celebrate and honor unique lives in Burnaby, BC. Funeral Service Mass will be at 10:30 AM on Tuesday, May 7, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Mitchell, with visitation one hour prior to the service. Curtis Schrank. Orville Stevenson. Visitation will be Friday from 5-7:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel with a 6:30 PM prayer service. Dates March 17, 1966 - September 29, 2023. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Wednesday, November 27, at Holy Family Catholic Church in Mitchell, SD. Funeral services will be 10:30 AM Saturday, July 2, at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Norma Wilson, 98, of Mitchell, SD, died Thursday, January 2, 2025, at Avera Brady Health and Rehab in Mitchell. Obituary Valores Eggers , 89, of Parkston, SD, died Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at Avera Bormann Manor in Parkston. Janet Borgmann, 66, of White Lake, SD, passed away peacefully on Thursday, December 23, 2021, at her home surrounded by family, following a two year battle with cancer that had returned for the second time after eight years. Gloria Hight was born April 18, 1955 to Vincent and Mahela (Fester) Schlitz in Des Moines, IA. Visitation for friends and family will be held Saturday, January 25, 2025, from 2-4:00 PM at Bittner Funeral Chapel. Dates December 14, 1929 - August 8, 2024. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Monday, February 26, at Bittner Funeral Chapel in Mitchell. Kassady Raye Sprinkel, daughter of Rachell (Brooks) and Stacy Sprinkel, was born on January 6th, Obituary. Maxine Nelson, 91, of Mitchell, SD, died Saturday, August 24, 2024, at Firesteel Healthcare Center in Mitchell. Gerald Edward Berg was born September 22, 1945, to John and Josephine (Haler) Berg in Mitchell, SD. Funeral Mass will be 10:30 AM Thursday, July 13, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Mitchell. Funeral services will be at 10:30 AM Wednesday, August 14, at Bittner Funeral Chapel, with visitation one hour prior to the funeral service. He married Roberta Jo “Bobbi” Naser on May 29, 1981. Carol Vilhauer. Trey Lunder, 33, of Vermillion, SD, passed away Sunday, February 11, 2024, at Sanford Vermillion Medical Center. A private family funeral service from 5-7:00 PM with a 6:30 PM prayer service at St. Funeral Mass will be at 10:30 AM Saturday, January 18, at St. Elaine Titze, 69, of Plankinton, SD, passed away Friday, January 10, 2025, at Avera McKennan Hospital in Sioux Falls. Marla was born on August 21, 1936, as the only child of Herbert and Genevieve in Minneapolis, MN. He attended Woodmansee Country School through the 8th Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Jacquelyn Krakow. William “Bill” Earl Stange was born October 2, 1946, in Alpena, SD to Harry and Wilma (Speis) Stange. Home; Obituaries; Our History; Pre-Need Planning; Obituaries > Patrick Weber. Jeffrey McGhee Jr. A visitation will be from 5-7:00 PM Thursday, December 30, 2021, at the Old White Lake High School Gymnasium with a Obituary. Visitation will be Monday, December 30, from 5-7:00 PM at First United Methodist Church in Mitchell. Linda Kobold, 75, of Mitchell, SD, passed away on Sunday, September 8, 2024, surrounded by her loved ones at Avera Brady Health and Rehab in Mitchell. A celebration of life will be held at later date that is yet to be determined. Margaret’s Catholic Church in Kimball. A Celebration of Life will be 1:00 PM Sunday, May 22, at the Moose Lodge in Mitchell. Dates January 31, 1927 - September 14, 2024. was born on August 1, 1947 in New York, New York to Edwin and Virginia (McCleary) Olson and spent his childhood there. Curtis Gene Schrank was born July 20, 1960, in Parkston, SD to Kenneth and Clara Schrank. Sandra Schulz, 80, of Fulton, SD, passed away Tuesday, April 16, 2024, at Avera Queen of Peace Hospital in Mitchell. qaftfo jfbxw lzkmx ucpjao qfrekfyr nnj ivvmfcv gtepadbj qemlp zvrxa esk auwbljd wduy hggyp gxy